Training pace calculator
Knowing what pace to train at is just as important as knowing what pace to race at. Training at the right paces - from your easy runs to your speed sessions - will enable you to race at your goal pace and unlock that PB. But what are the right paces? We’ve created a calculator to tell you exactly that. Put in your goal race pace, and the distance you’re aiming for, and we will calculate the best paces you’ll need to complete your training at.
Training paces
These faster paces might look daunting, but they are supposed to be hard work. For more information on the pace definitions, we've pulled together a handy 'rate of perceived exertion scale' to better explain what these terms mean, and how they should feel.
Ready to put these paces into practice? Check out our speed session plans to see how you can use them in your training.
Rate of perceived exertion scale
Not sure about your goal race pace?
Our race calculator will help you to determine exactly what race time you should be aiming for, to help you make these training paces even more accurate.
Why trust our training pace calculator?
Compiled by three qualified running coaches
Uses personal factors such as age and weekly mileage
Generates achievable targets for all abilities
Tried and tested, with results speaking for themselves