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Training pace

Training pace calculator

The best pace calculator we've found is from the team at V.02. Simply put your race distance and target time into the below form, and it will calculate your race pace , and the training paces you should be sticking to to work towards that goal time. 

Training paces

These faster paces might look daunting, but they are supposed to be hard work. For more information on the pace definitions, we've pulled together a handy 'rate of perceived exertion scale' to better explain what these terms mean, and how they should feel. 

Ready to put these paces into practice? Check out our speed session plans to see how you can use them in your training. 

Rate of perceived exertion scale

Set yourself up for success with the right training and the right race day aim.

Still a way to go until race day?

Improve your speed by adding speed sessions into your training plan.

Speed sessions
Runner taking a cup of water

Planning ahead is planning for success.

Race day guide
Runners in a running race

See what times you're capable of and set your target for race day.

Set race goal
Runners on a running track

Improve your PB by adding speed sessions into your training plan.

Speed sessions
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